QUEST is a new program for the exact simulation of solid-state NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei in stationary powdered samples which employs diagonalization of the combined Zeeman-quadrupolar Hamiltonian. The program may be used to simulate NMR spectra over the full regime of Larmor and quadrupolar frequencies, which encompasses scenarios ranging from high-field NMR to nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR, where the Larmor frequency is zero) and does not make use of approximations when treating the quadrupolar interaction. The program, which uses a graphical user interface, also incorporates chemical shift anisotropy and non-coincident chemical shift and quadrupolar tensor frames. QUEST can be used to simulate static NMR and NQR spectra with any relative size of the Zeeman and quadrupolar interactions and correctly predicts the appearance of “forbidden” or “overtone” NMR as well as NQR transitions. This program is available to download at
QUEST is described in an article which has been accepted for publication in Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (2012).
F.A. Perras, C.M. Widdifield, and D.L. Bryce, "QUEST – QUadrupolar Exact SofTware: a fast graphical program for the exact simulation of NMR and NQR spectra for quadrupolar nuclei," Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (2012) accepted.