Friday, May 18, 2012

6th Annual VIVA NMR Symposium

Hi All,

I am pleased to announce that the 6th Annual VIVA NMR symposium will take place Wednesday, June 27th at Simon Fraser University (Burnaby Mountain Campus) in Burnaby B.C. Yes, that is only 6 weeks away! This year we will also celebrate the opening of our new "Bruker Spectroscopy Facility" in the newly renovated SFU Chemistry Department.

The aim of this one day symposium is to bring together NMR users, researchers and managers from western Canada and the north-west of the USA to share information on topics of general NMR interest and to foster the development of an NMR community.

Talks or poster presentations by graduate students are especially encouraged.
Talks must be registered before June 15th, all other registrations will end on June 20th. On-line registration should be available soon at:

The symposium is designed to be affordable and thanks to generous sponsorship by Bruker Canada and Agilent Technologies, the registration fees are only $20 for students and $40 for non-students which includes the lunch BBQ and afternoon poster social session. 

The program will consist of 15-20 minute talks, a BBQ lunch at the Highland Pub, and a poster session/social gathering. A meeting of NMR facility managers is scheduled to follow immediately after the conference. For further details see the conference website:

Due to the short time available we have not been able to reserve special accommodation this year but there are links on the website to accommodation at SFU.

Please feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested.

I hope to see you all soon!


Dr. Andrew Lewis
Director, Magnetic Resonance & Mass Spectrometry Facilities
Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive, Burnaby BC V5A 1S6