Tuesday, March 16, 2010
52nd Rocky Mountain Conference
The Solid-State NMR Symposium of the 52nd Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry will take place August 1-5, 2010 at the Snowmass Conference Center in Snowmass, Colorado.
Abstracts are now being accepted for both oral and poster presentations. Deadline to submit an oral presentation abstract is May 1, 2010. Deadline to submit a poster presentation abstract is June 15, 2010. For information on submitting an abstract, or to submit your abstract online
This year’s Vaughan lecturer is Ago Samoson (Tallin, Estonia). Other confirmed invited speakers are
Michele Auger (Laval, Canada), Brad Chmelka (UC Santa Barbara), Paul Ellis (Pacific Northwest), Phil Grandinetti (Ohio State), Gina Hoatson (William & Mary), Christopher Jaroniec (Ohio State), David Doty (Doty Scientific), P.K. Madhu (Tata Institute, India), Dominique Massiot (Orleans, France), Eric Munson (Kansas), Niels Nielsen (Aarhus, Denmark), Hartmut Oschikinat (Berlin, Germany), Guido Pintacuda (Lyon, France), Linda Reven (McGill, Canada), Asher Schmidt (Haifa, Israel), Klaus Schmidt-Rohr (Iowa State), Hans Spiess (Mainz, Germany), Chad Rienstra (Urbana-Champaign), Pei Tang (Pittsburg), Piotr Tekely (Paris, France), Robert Tycko (NIH)
Funds are available to offset the travel cost for students and postdoctoral fellows. For more information about conference registration, hotel and travel arrangements, please see
We look forward to welcoming you in beautiful Snowmass, Colorado.
Rocky Mountain Conference SSNMR Organizing Committee