Friday, June 21, 2013
University of Victoria, Bob Wright Centre A104
VIVA is a one-day NMR symposium that aims to bring together NMR users, researchers and facility managers from Western Canada and the US Pacific Northwest to share information on topics of general NMR interest and to foster the development of a regional NMR community.
VIVA is an informal gathering, and we particularly encourage graduate students working with NMR to prepare talks or posters for presentation.
The program will consist of talks in the morning, followed by a BBQ lunch and poster presentations in the afternoon. Tours of our new NMR lab will be offered during the breaks.
The registration deadline is June 14, 2013
For more information visit
Christopher Barr
NMR Facility Manager
Chemistry Department
University of Victoria
Victoria BC V8W 3V6
Phone: 250-721-7199