Saturday, February 4, 2012

NANUC 2012 Biomolecular NMR BootCamp

NANUC 2012 Biomolecular NMR BootCamp will be hosted by the NMR Facility in Chemistry at the University of Toronto, June 4th to 9th, 2012 on campus.

Our keynote lecturer this year is Prof. Chad Reinstra (UIUC) on BioSolids NMR. We will have Dr. Frank Delaglio (NIDDK, NIH) for the NMRPipe Suite; Dr. Nico Tjandra (LBPC, NIH) with Dynamics and Relaxation; Dr. Bruce Johnson (UMBC) on NMRView; Dr. Charles Schwieters (ISL, NIH) demonstrating Xplor-NIH, and one day on pulse sequence programming (Agilent/Bruker).

More information will be available soon at

Please mark your calendars,


Timothy Burrow, Ph.D. MBA
Manager, NMR
University of Toronto 416-978-5728

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