Friday, November 12, 2010

Russell Bell Symposium, McMaster

McMaster University, November 18, 2010

Russell Bell, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at McMaster, has made significant scientific contributions in the area of NMR, chemical biology using DNA and proteins, organic synthesis and in environmental remediation. In addition, he is renowned at McMaster University for excellence in teaching, particularly of first year chemistry. The department is pleased to recognize his contributions with this special symposium.

Hamilton Hall, HH-305

9:30-­9:35 Mike Brook, McMaster University: Opening Remarks

9:35-10:20 Fred Capretta, McMaster University: Six Degrees of Russell Bell

10:20­-10:35 Coffee

10:35-11:20 John Valliant, McMaster University: Title TBA


1:30-2:20 Scott Bohle, McGill University: Chemistry of an All Black Pigment: The Quinoline Antimalarial Drug Target

2:30-2:35 Brian McCarry, Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, McMaster University: Concluding Remarks

2:35 Russell Bell, McMaster University: Some Thoughts

Contact Bob Berno for more information: bberno "at"

Dr. Bob Berno
Manager: McMaster NMR Facility
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L9
Phone: (905) 525-9140 x24158 or x24686
Fax: (905) 522-2509