David Bryce (University of Ottawa) has written a Perspective for Dalton Transactions about recent advancements in 43Ca NMR spectroscopy and its applications in materials science.
David L. Bryce "Calcium Binding Environments Probed by 43Ca NMR Spectroscopy," Dalton Transactions 39 (2010) 8593-8602. (Cover Article). http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c0dt00416b
This Perspective is featured on the cover of the current Dalton Transaction issue (2010, #37), and was recently highlighted by SpectroscopyNow.
This is an eighth cover article featuring results obtained using resources of the National Ultrahigh-Field NMR Facility for Solids. See our cover gallery and the complete list of research publications enabled by the Facility here (complete list).