Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pacifichem 2010: Solid-State NMR

You are invited to participate in a symposium on "Solid-State NMR Methods and Applications in Inorganic Materials" (#228) at Pacifichem 2010, to be held in Hawaii from December 15-20, 2010. This four-session symposium is organized by Scott Kroeker, Jerry C.C. Chan, Sophia Hayes and Kiyonori Takegoshi.

Invited speakers include C. Bonhomme (FR), H. Eckert (GR), A. Goto (JP), G.R. Goward (CA), H.-M. Kao (TW), S.K. Lee (SK), S.-B. Liu (TW), H. Maekawa (JP), M. Murakami (JP), J.A. Reimer (US), J.A. Ripmeester (CA), K. Schmidt-Rohr (US), J.F. Stebbins (US), R.E. Wasylishen (CA)

You may also be interested in two other solid-state NMR symposia on offer at Pacifichem 2010: "NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems" and "Advances in Solid-State NMR of Biological Molecules".

Abstract submission deadline is April 5, 2010.

For further information, see www.pacifichem2010.org or contact Scott Kroeker (Scott_Kroeker "at" UManitoba.ca).